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NC 172 Rover Axles Hardware Kit

NC 172 Rover Axles Hardware Kit Image
Detail Image

This hardware package will build the rest of your NC 172 Range Rover CMAX Axle housing set from Bowhouse RC: --BOWHOUSE AXLES LINK HERE--.

There are parts in this kit for ONE FRONT and ONE REAR axle.

Included in this kit is the following items:

Front axle and wheel bearings
Front steering knuckles
Metal knuckle bushings
Diff input shaft for a standard 5mm driveshaft
Front offset diff CVD set, all steel with captured pins, fits Right or Left diff offset
Front one piece all metal locker
Front pinion and ring gear, metal
Rear axle bearings
Rear outer bearing caps
Diff input shaft for a standard 5mm driveshaft
Rear centered axle set
Rear one piece all metal locker
Rear pinion and ring gear, metal
all hex hardware and diff cover screws
Steering link set for CMAX

Requires Diff Housings

Your Price:C$220.00